Title: キャットストリート Title (English): Cat Street Format: Renzoku Genre: Drama Episodes: 6 Viewership rating: 5.9 (Kanto) Broadcast network: NHK Broadcast period: 2008-Aug-28 to 2008-Oct-2 Air time: Thursday 20:00 Theme songs: Ending theme: Planetarium by Ikimono-gakari Insert theme: Shigatsu Tsuitachi by Kagrra
A story about a talented child actress who wins back her dream after retiring from acting. Keito was once a popular child actress, but she had shut herself away from society for 10 years after a traumatic acting incident. She is now 17 years old and incidentally enrolls to a free school for dropouts where she makes true friends. Together, they build trust and find the meaning of life. --NHK
Tanimura Mitsuki as Aoyama Keito Katsuji Ryo as Mine Koichi Kurokawa Tomoka as Noda Momiji Kimura Ryo as Suzuki Gota Ishiguro Hideo as Harasawa Taiyo Takabe Ai as Sonoda Nako Arai Moe as Aoyama Chika Tanaka Kei as Ozawa Masanobu Namase Katsuhisa as Moriguchi Kentaro