Title: エジソンの母 Title (Romaji): Edison no Haha Format: Renzoku Genre: Human drama, comedy Episodes: 10 Viewership ratings: 9.5 (Kanto) Broadcast network: TBS Broadcast period: 2008-Jan-11 to 2008-Mar-14 Air time: Friday 22:00 Theme song: Ai wo Komete Hanataba wo by Superfly
The series focuses on Ayukawa Noriko, the teacher of a class of first-graders. One day, a boy named Kento transfers into her class from another school, where he was treated as a problem child. In reality, the inquisitive Kento actually displays the potential of being a prodigy, and it's up to Noriko to figure out how to handle him. The story draws inspiration from the childhood of famous inventor Thomas Edison, who was also considered a problem child by most adults around him. --Tokyograph
Ito Misaki as Ayukawa Noriko Sakai Maki as Hanafusa Aoi Tanihara Shosuke as Miura Shimizu Yuya as Hanafusa Kento