Title: めぞん一刻 Title (romaji): Maison Ikkoku Genre: Romance Broadcast network: TV Asahi Viewership rating: 12.1 (Kanto) Broadcast date: 2007-May-12 Air time: Saturday 21:00 Theme song: "Mamotte Agetai" by Matsutoya Yumi (松任谷由実)
Based on a hit manga by Takahashi Rumiko, this is a romantic comedy about the relationship of Otonashi Kyoko, the beautiful widow and manager of a boarding house and Godai Yusaku, a poor student tenant.
Ito Misaki as Otonashi Kyoko Nakabayashi Taiki as Godai Yusaku Kishimoto Kayoko as Ichinose Hanae Kishibe Ittoku as Yotsuya Takahashi Yumiko as Roppongi Akemi