Title: ティーンコート~10代裁判~ Title (romaji): Teen Court ~10-dai no Saiban~ Format: Renzoku Genre: Drama Episodes: 11 Broadcast network: NTV Broadcast period: 2012-Jan-10 start Air time: Tuesday 23:58 Theme song: Blue Days by Karasu
The setting for the series is modeled after actual teen courts in the United States, which allow juveniles who have committed minor offenses to have their cases heard by their peers. The teen courts generally hand down sentences of community service, following principles of restorative justice.
In the drama, a 2nd-year high school student named Nyakouji Misato serves as a prosecutor in teen court. Although the cases she deals with have already been investigated, she teams up with Saburo, a boy in her class, to re-investigate until her own curiosity has been satisfied. From her perspective as a high school girl, she notices things such as an odd use of emoji in an email, or an unnatural pose in a picture, leading her to discover the real truth behind each incident. --Tokyograph
Gouriki Ayame as Nyakouji Misato Seto Koji as Saburo Takada