Synopsis: The protagonist, Sanada Yukinari, has returned to his hometown in Kanagawa Prefecture, Kamakura City, for the first time in seven years, and is greeted by his older cousin, Narumi Sakura (complete with maid outfit). He wanted to live in peace, but his life at the academy placed on the coastlands becomes bustling and brilliant while surrounded by a lineup of members with booming personalities like Amano Hotaru, the sharp tongued, half-Japanese beauty, and Alice Kamishiro, the lazy witch who loves modern-science and mail-orders.
Eventually, Yukinari is coaxed into joining the action committee for the academy's traditional beauty contest by his close friend. He interacts with the heroines participating in this contest who are cute but each have an idiosyncrasy or two. Fun events (with their own difficulties) pop up again and again. Your story with "her" about smiles, peace, passion, and love, all while borrowing the power of a witch, is about to begin! -MangaGamer
extra info: "Supipara - Alice the Magical Conductor." is an interactive novel themed around "dynamicism" depicted through a rallying all of the production techniques minori has accumulated to date. See expressive character portraits with moving eyes, mouths, even hair! It is quite immersive in many aspects.
Also, "Supipara" won't conclude in a single game. It will be released as several standalone episodes. Fans may freely pursue only the episodes that interest them if so desired. You could say "it's a light novel series, and independent stories which develop their own unique personalities all in one."
STEAM Support: PC Support:
MangaGamer is collecting funds to release Chapter 2~5. It's lame and probably pointless of me to writing this seeing I put this on a share site but for the sake of being informed if you like the game (or/and also eden*) and can afford to consider support towards Chapter 2
Developer: or [anti-Gaijin on] Publisher: VNDB:
System Requirements: Language: English Subtitles, Japanese Audio Genre: Slice of Life, Adventure Game Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours) Platform: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Graphics: PCIe x16 256MB 1280x720 Processor: Intel Core i series Memory: 2GB
If any issues try updating video codecs (such as LAV), DirectX, etc, the basics, before posting.