Title: じゃじゃ馬ならし Title (romaji): Jajauma Narashi Also known as: Taming of the Shrew Episodes: 12 Viewership rating: 21.8 Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: 1993-Jul-05 to 1993-Sep-20 Air time: Monday 21:00 Theme song: Kimi ga Suki Dakara by Mizuki Arisa
On the wedding of Ryuichiro, his wife dies leaving him and her daughter Natsumi. Natsumi's mother had an office and was rich but this office get taken over. So they have to live in an old apartment. Natsumi is outgoing and Ryuichirou is unreliable. They are father and child in low but sometimes they seem to be in love. It is a comedy with thrilling rhythm. --Fuji Creative