Title: ママゴト Title (romaji): Mamagoto Format: Renzoku Genre: Drama Episodes: 8 Broadcast network: NHK BS Premium Broadcast period: 2016-Aug-30 to 2016-Oct-18 Air time: Tuesday 23:15 Theme song: Navigator by THE BLUE HEARTS
Synopsis Eiko, who has a hidden past, works as a bar proprietress. One day, her old friend Shigeko comes to the bar with her child named Taiji. But she suddenly disappears leaving him behind. While looking at Taiji, Eiko remembers her past of giving birth to a baby. The two start a new yet peculiar life. This is a story of pseudo mother-and-child groping for a new type of family. -- NHK
Cast Ando Sakura as Onji Eiko Koyama Harutomo (小山春朋) as Taiji Usuda Asami as Shigeko Furutachi Kanji (古舘寛治) as Maizen Shin Takamura Kaito (高村佳偉人) as Maizen Hikari Kurihara Pao (栗原巴央) as Iwaki Apentae Negishi Toshie as snack bar owner Sugimoto Tetta as Tachibana