Title: 砂の塔 Title (romaji): Suna no Tou Also known as: Tower of Sand Tagline: 知りすぎた隣人 / Shirisugita Rinjin Format: Renzoku Genre: Suspense, human drama Episodes: TBD Broadcast network: TBS Broadcast period: 2016-Oct-14 to 2016-Dec-?? Air time: Friday 22:00 Theme song: Suna no Tou by THE YELLOW MONKEY
Synopsis Takano Aki is a homemaker who has built an ordinary yet amply content family life. When she and her family move into a luxurious, high-rise condo with all the latest security advancements, Aki anticipates the start of the kind of family life of which dreams are made. Until, that is, she meets her creepy and scary neighbors. Behind the walls of this ivory tower, life is a social ecosystem dictated by strict rules and decorum of vainglorious housewife residents. There are "compulsory Halloween parties", "hellishly exorbitant lunches", "floor discrimination", and even "strictly enforced proper attire for putting out the trash." Though farcical and comical at first glance, the housewives' behavior easily becomes sinister, as Aki begins to discover in unexpected ways. Someone is trying to tear her life and family apart... -- TBS
Cast Main Characters Kanno Miho as Takano Aki Matsushima Nanako as Sasaki Yumiko Iwata Takanori as Ubukata Kohei
Takano Family Tanaka Naoki as Takano Kenichi Sano Hayato as Takano Kazuki Inagaki Kurumi as Takano Sora
Residents of Sky Grand Tower TOYOSU Yokoyama Megumi as Aso Hiroko Tsuda Kanji as Aso Takefumi Horiuchi Keiko as Hashiguchi Rino Kawazu Asuka as Hashiguchi Narumi Otozuki Kei as Yanagi Shori Sato Nori as Miura Atsuko Horan Chiaki as Ono Ayaka
Metropolitan Police Department Mitsuishi Ken as Aramata Hidemi Uesugi Shuhei as Tsukui Takumi
Others Kimura Yuichi as Inose Shinji Karasuma Setsuko (烏丸せつこ) as Mita Kumiko