Title: がっぱ先生! Title (romaji): Gappa Sensei! Format: Tanpatsu Genre: School Viewership ratings: 7.2% Broadcast network: NTV Broadcast date: 2016-Sep-23 Air time: Friday 21:00
Synopsis Aiko (Fumi Nikaido) is 24-years-old and a new teacher at an elementary school in the city. She comes from a rural area in Ishikawa. While giving her first greeting, she becomes nervous and resorts to using her hometown expression of "Gappa" instead of “Issyou Kenmei” ("I'll do my best"). Since then she is called "Teacher Gappa." Aiko begins work as the homeroom teacher of 2 class 5th grade. With her background from the countryside, Aiko faces her news students, their parents and fellow teachers with brightness.