In this drama Special based on Aku Yuu's autobiographical novel, it's 1944 on the island of Awajishima in the Seto Sea and local teacher Nakai Komako has just married Nakai Masao. However, he is shipped off to the front shortly after the ceremony. He takes with him a baseball that Komako is sure will protect him. As she waits for his return, Komako tries to keep her students together and studying as best she can. Word soon comes though, that Masao has been killed in action, along with relatives from other families on the island. But Komako is determined to wait for her husband's return and, when the war is over, her prayers are answered. So now Komako has the difficult duty of trying to give her disillusioned students something to believe in again. As she struggles with this, Masao comes up with an idea: give them baseball with its rules making it clear who wins and who loses. So now it's up to Komako to try and make a baseball team out of her motley bunch of students...
We here at Heiwa Fansubs hope you will enjoy this Summer 2016 Drama Special Setouchi Shonen Yakyuudan in SD along with us!