Super Rescue Solbrain Episode 06 Bombing on the Comedy Circuit Presented by Sailor Otaku
One of Reiko's former high school classmates, a traditional "rakugo" storytelling comedian, falls victim to a sudden kidnapping. Who would kidnap a second rate comedian for ransom? When the comedian's mother refuses to pay his ransom, he is suddenly released by his kidnappers... and he finds himself sympathizing with them! Will this case of Stockholm Syndrome lead to disaster for the comedian and his mother? And what is it that the criminals are truly after?
Notes: The comedy routine delivered in this episode is a very famous and well known routine called "Jugemu" involving a character with a ridiculously long name. As trying to translate the individual parts of the name would ruin the joke, it's left intact. More information on the routine can be found here, if you'd like to research it:
If you're curious, yes, the well known Western children's story "Tikki Tikki Tembo" is in part based on Jugemu.
The actor who portrays Shinichiro Ishimaru is actually a famous rakugo comedian in real life and still performs today. His real name is Sanyutei Kintoki.