Title: せいせいするほど、愛してる Title (romaji): Seisei Suruhodo, Aishiteru Also known as: For the Romantic / Love Catharsis Format: Renzoku Genre: Romance Episodes: TBD Broadcast network: TBS Broadcast period: 2016-Jul-12 to 2016-Sep-?? Air time: Tuesday 22:00 Theme song: Bara no Youni Saite Sakura no Youni Chitte by Matsuda Seiko
Synopsis This is the story of pure yet forbidden love and also the complicated relationships of those who around them.
Kurihara Mia fulfils a long-cherished passion for jewelry by getting a job in the public relations department at Tiffany & Co. One day, during a business trip, Mia loses an engagement ring from her boyfriend - Yamashita Youta. The ring is eventually found with help of a man who happened to be there. Mia is relieved, but at the same time, she is struggling to accept her fiance's marriage proposal because of the condition he gave - that she quits her job. A few days later, Mia encounters the man who helped her to find the ring, only then to find out that the man is Miyoshi Kairi - the vice president of her company. Kairi tells her "if it is your dream job, see it through". Mia starts to fall for Kairi who is strict yet kind. -- TBS
Cast Takei Emi as Kurihara Mia Goto Yuira as young Mia (ep1) Takizawa Hideaki as Miyoshi Kairi Nakamura Aoi as Miyazawa Ryo Mizusawa Erena as Masaki Akari Triendl Reina as Miyama Chiaki Nakamura Hayato as Kuno Atsushi Yokosawa Natsuko as Saeki Kasumi Wada Akari as Endo Takako GENKING as Naoki Takigawa Eiji as Furusawa Kazuhiko Judai Satoshi as Takada Yoshihiko Hashimoto Manami as Ogawa Haruka Takahashi Mitsuomi as Yamashita Youta Kanno Misuzu as Mukai Masayo Matsudaira Ken as Miyoshi Yoshitsugu
Guests Gracie Gold as herself (ep1) Suzuki Nana as a customer (ep1) Suruga Taro (ep2)