Detective Conan - 546 - Kiri ni musebu majo (kouhen) [usotsuki][RAW-720p][FD7D7563].mp4
When I started encoding Detective Conan raws, I used a different format than I currently do, which for consistency I continued to use for quite some time when releasing Conan raws. As of my release of episode 546, for all reencodes, and for the upcoming 453-552 batch torrent which I will release in early September, I am changing my filenames for consistency with my other encodes.
OLD FORMAT: [usotsuki] Detective Conan ### 'Episode Title' [TAGS][CHECKSUM].mp4 NEW FORMAT: Detective Conan - ### - Episode Title [usotsuki][TAGS][CHECKSUM].mp4
If you have access to a Unix-style environment (msys, cygwin, or pretty much any OS other than Windows), this command at your Bourne/Korn shell or bash prompt will automatically update all your files from the old style filename (which apart from Conan I haven't used in years) to the new style filename. This way, even though I have renamed all my raws, you can still join the upcoming batch torrent with your existing files (so far as they have not been replaced by newer encodes).
for x in "[usotsuki]"*.mp4;do mv -vi "$x" "$(echo "$x"|sed "s/^\[usotsuki\]"\ " Detective Conan \([0-9]*\) '/Detective Conan - \1 - /;s/' \(\[.*RAW-720p\]"\ "\[........\]\.mp4\)/ [usotsuki]\1/" )";done
As soon as the opportunity arises and I'm up for the job, there are many episodes, as well as a few other unrelated series, that I'd like to try to do better subs of. To some extent, I'm able to do this with the resources I have, but it would do everyone better if I had some assistance, since my queue has gotten quite long and overwhelming as of late due to having to run the project basically 100% solo while working on a couple projects for The-Moonlighters and associated groups. In particular, I am looking for additional translators, translation checkers and editors, and could probably use a couple timers as well. If you're interested in helping, message Licca on #[email protected] or elsewhere on hoshinet.
Recently my situation regarding Detective Conan has changed slightly, and I'm clear to upgrade some subs which previously I have avoided. If anyone would like to assist in this endeavor, I'm looking for help transcribing the subtitles from DCTP's episodes which are not presently available in HD, and I may consider upgrading a couple episodes that could otherwise really benefit from the improved encoding which we are in 2016 capable of, versus when the subs were originally released, many years ago.
I am particularly looking for translation or TLC assistance with episodes 124-128, 140, 143, 456-467. Transcriptions of 472-483 and 515-536 would save me quite a bit of effort as well. More DCHD subs should be coming once my motivation circles back around to working on Conan subs (I'm currently spending most of my time on a non-anime project).