Title: 武道館 Title (romaji): Budokan Format: Renzoku Genre: Idol drama Episodes: 8 Viewership ratings: 2.73% Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: 2016-Feb-06 to 2016-Mar-26 Air time: Saturday 23:40 Theme song: Next is you! by NEXT YOU Insert song: Otona no Jijou by NEXT YOU
Synopsis Budokan is an upbeat touching story that revolves around a fictional idol unit NEXT YOU struggling for a break in the industry and striving to perform at the famous Nippon Budokan–one of the most revered concert venues in Japan reserved only for the best performers. The story will cover various topics surrounding idol's career such as scandals, inner conflicts, romance, etc., giving a realistic glimpse to the idol world. Will the girls of NEXT YOU be able to eventually build up fame and shine on the grandest stage of Budokan? -- Fuji TV
Cast Miyamoto Karin (宮本佳林) as Hidaka Aiko Uemura Akari (植村あかり) as Dogakiuchi Aoi Takagi Sayuki (高木紗友希) as Adachi Mayu Kanazawa Tomoko (金澤朋子) as Sakamoto Hana Miyazaki Yuka (宮崎由加) as Tsurui Rurika Yoshizawa Ryo as Mizushima Daichi Takahata Yuta (高畑裕太) as Maeda Haruki Yashiba Toshihiro as Hidaka Tsunehiko Ono Karin as Takagi Eri Rokkaku Seiji as Hakase Kinoshita Houka as Nomura Yoichi Koide Keisuke as Natsume Jun Guests Mano Erina as Omitani Kyoka (ep1) Hayami Akari (ep2) NANA (ep2,5) Yaguchi Mari (ep5)