Title: はじめまして、愛しています。 Title (romaji): Hajimemashite, Aishiteimasu. Format: Renzoku Genre: Home drama Episodes: TBD Broadcast network: TV Asahi Broadcast period: 2016-Jul-14 to 2016-Sep-?? Air time: Thursday 21:00 Theme song: Riyu by Makihara Noriyuki
Synopsis Mina (Machiko Ono) and Shinji (Yosuke Eguchi) have been married for 10 years. Mina gives piano lessons at home and they have decided not to have a child until she wins an international music competition.
One day, Minda finds a boy in her yard. The boy is covered in dirt and expressionless. Mina learns later that the boy was abused by his parents and his parents did not show up. The boy goes to an orphanage. Several days later, the boy appears again in her yard. Shinji feels a sense of fate over the boy who has appeared in their yard two times. He begins to search secretly about special adoptions.
Cast Ono Machiko as Umeda Mina (35) Eguchi Yosuke as Umeda Shinji (45) Hayami Mokomichi as Umeda Takumi (37) Sakai Maki as Fuwa Haruyo (40) Yo Kimiko as Domoto Machi (57) Fuji Tatsuya as Oikawa Masayoshi (70)