Name: ナオミとカナコ Title (romaji): Naomi to Kanako Title (English): Naomi & Kanako Format: Renzoku Genre: Suspense Episodes: TBD Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: 2016-Jan-14 start Air time: Thursday 22:00 Theme song: No more by EXILE ATSUSHI + AI
Synopsis Oda Naomi dreamed of becoming an art curator, but she currently works in a department store serving VIP clients. Although she has been successful in her career, she feels fed up with her current position. One day, Naomi visits her friend from college Hattori Kanako and discovers that Kanako has been a victim of domestic violence from her husband Tatsuro. Naomi advises Kanako to divorce Tatsuro, but Kanako is afraid of his reaction and unable to free herself from the situation. Just then, Naomi happens to see a clandestine Chinese who looks exactly like Tatsuro. Naomi soon begins to contrive a perfect scheme to kill Tatsuro... -- Fuji TV
Cast Hirosue Ryoko as Oda Naomi Uchida Yuki as Hattori Kanako Yoshida Yo as Hattori Yoko Miyakawa Ichirota Yamaji Kazuhiro Inukai Atsuhiro (犬飼貴丈) Takahata Atsuko as Li Akemi Sato Ryuta as Hattori Tatsuro / Li Ryuki