Drama: Voice Love (literal title) Romaji: Koe Koi Japanese: こえ恋 Director: Katsutoshi Hirabayashi, Hiroaki Yuasa, Tadaaki Horai Writer: Doruru (manga), Rieko Obayashi, Naoyuki Miura Network: TV Tokyo Episodes: Release Date: July 8, 2016 -- Runtime: Fridays 00:52-01:23 Language: Japanese Country: Japan
Plot Yuiko Yoshioka (Mei Nagano) begins the first grade in high school. She gets sick with the cold and stays in bed. At that time, she gets a phone call from class president Matsubara. Yuiko becomes fluttered by his kind voice on the phone. The next day, she goes to school and meets Matsubara. He is a mysterious boy, wearing a paper bag over his head. Her high school days begin with pounding heart.
Notes Based on manga "Koe Koi” by Doruru (first published from May 1, 2015 via comico)