Title: お見合い結婚 Title (romaji): Omiai Kekkon Also known as: Arranged Marriage Genre: Love, comedy Episodes: 11 Viewership ratings: 16.9 Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: 2000-Jan-11 to 2000-Mar-21
Synopsis: Nakatani Setsuko (Matsu Takako) quit her job as a stewardess in order to marry her boyfriend at the time, Hiroshi. But that didn't work out, and so Setsuko's parents, worried that time is passing her by, decide to introduce her to someone using 'Omiai' - a traditional Japanese meeting custom - in the hope she will marry. She meets Hirose Koutaro (Yusuke Santamaria), who is then pressured by his boss to marry Setsuko after a misunderstanding promises to bring shame on their families. Initially, the two are clearly not interested, but gradually, they begin to respect each other.
720p rip by DoA
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