Title: 花咲くあした Title (romaji): Hanasaku Ashita Format: Renzoku Genre: Comedy Episodes: 8 Viewership rating: TBD Broadcast network: NHK BS Premium Broadcast period: 2014-Jan-5 to 2014-Feb-23
Synopsis: Hanasaku Asa lives at her family home in Kamakura, together with her 4 other siblings. They each have their own share of troubles. One day, their mother, Fuko, who had abandoned them over 20 years ago, comes waltzing back into their lives...
720p rip by NGB
English hardsubbed TV-rip exists for this dorama. If someone wants to make softsubs, conact with me on D-Addicts and I'll provide them for you. http://www.d-addicts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=99203