Drama: Shoujo no Miru Yume Romaji: Shoujo no Miru Yume Japanese: 少女のみる夢 Director: Tadaaki Horai Writer: Shinobu Fujiwara Network: TV Asahi Episodes: Release Date: July 3, 2016 -- Runtime: Sundays 01:40-02:40 Language: Japanese Country: Japan
Plot 17-year-old Sara (Minami Hoshino) gets into an accident and falls into critical condition. She wakes up in the hospital the next morning and sees a nurse, Nanami (Asuka Saito), next to her bed. Sara can not feel pain. Nanami shows Sara around the hospital
At night, Sara knows Nanami is a patient and not a nurse. She also knows that she has been in a coma for the past 10 years since she got into the car accident at the age of 7. Sara is also surprised that she is still in a coma. She is having an out-of-body experience.