In this comedy/drama series, Sota Ban, a musician, and his four children grieve over the loss of his beloved wife. But then, just six months later while on a touring trip of the U.S., Sota suddenly marries the blackjack dealer Alice Sheppard and brings her back to Japan with him... without either telling Alice about his extended family or his family about Alice. Shocked by this turn of events are both Alice and Sota's oldest daughter, Sakurako, who feels her father is being unfaithful to her mother and becomes determined to drive Alice away, no matter what. But Alice, feeling she has no place of her own, decides she's going to stay and make this home her place, no matter what. So now the contest is on as the two sides have an epic battle of wills...
We here at Heiwa Fansubs hope you will enjoy this Spring 2016 drama/comedy series along with us!
Please enjoy these English language hardsubs for episode 09, the final episode of OUR HOUSE in SD!