The “Mighty Lady” is a Japanese special effects movie series made on a surprisingly low budget. With their creativity and passion, the creators have made the film into something the viewers can enjoy with a sense of wonder.
The history of this film series all started in 1985, when a major film company invested in a 8mm movie that an amateur high school student created. 17 years later, in 2002, the filmmakers of that time have once again resurrected the series, and its DVD series has been a constant success ever since.
The three main components of Mighty Lady: “Mask”, “Special effects” and “Moe”
“Mask” The character Mighty Lady wears a mask, influenced by traditional Japanese performing arts “Noh”. Mighty Lady’s mask is a 3-D image of a pretty girl character drawn using the “Super Flat” technique, which is inherited by Japanese animation from the “Ukiyoe” art form and Japanese paintings.
“Special Effects” The Mighty Lady series keeps the ethos of Japanese special effects alive by emphasizing creativity to cover low budget and using miniature models; a style originated by the great Eiji Tsuburaya.
“Moe” The movie series includes a “Moe” factor, which is a word originated in Akihabara, Japan, referring to strong affection. A combination of adolescent drama and “Moe” fetishism creates a completely new and original atmosphere.
In each of the 20 episodes that have been released since 2002, a pretty heroin uses the power of love and friendship to transform into a “Mighty Lady” and fights and defeats monsters.