So this one is very late and not a straight remux like usual. The left channel for this stream was filled with a non-trivial amount of noise which couldn't be filtered out, so I discarded the entire channel. They fixed it during Oblongar's set after going down for a few minutes, but that fix only lasted about the remainder of the set after they returned before it became noisy again so I opted to just keep it mono all the way and use the right channel for the entire thing to save me effort. For those of you who are wondering why I reencoded it (qaac -V127), it's because the AAC for the stream was encoded as a stereo channel pair (CPE) making it impossible to split the channels without decoding. As for why I didn't use FLAC, it's too bloated for my already inferior quality release and would sound basically the same at twice the size. This was a month late due to me being unmotivated to work on it and the noise causing some serious headaches and phantom noise in my ears, so I'm glad it's over with.