Title: 宮本武蔵 Title (romaji): Miyamoto Musashi Broadcast network: TV - Asahi Broadcast start: 15 & 16 March 2014 Air time: 9.00 p.m
In Keicho 5 (1600), Shinmen Takezo (Kimura Takuya), a young man of Miyamoto Village from the countryside of Yoshino in Saku (Mimasaka) Province, participates in the Battle of Sekigahara as a foot solider with the ambition of making his way in life. Together with his childhood friend Honiden Matahachi (Santamaria Yusuke), he takes the side of the Western Army. However, they do not know who is friend or foe on a battlefield with some 180,000 men. In that chaos, the way of fighting of a man in the Eastern Army catches Takezo’s eye. The man who displays this fluid, beautiful swordplay is Sasaki Kojiro (Sawamura Ikki) who would become a worthy rival in his lifetime