Takarazuka at Chunichi Theatre June 25 2014 Hanagumi - The Rose of Versailles -Fersen and Marie Antoinette-[1080px264].mkv
Show performed at Chunichi Theatre in Nagoya June 25, 2014
This contains both acts plus Asumi Rio's Top Star Debut speech and no revue.
Summary from TakaWiki: In 1770, Princess Marie-Antoinette of the House of Hapsburg, youngest daughter of Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, marries at the age of fourteen, Prince Louis (future Louis XVI) of the House of Bourbon, eldest grandson of King Louis XV of France. In anxiety over some childishness still lingering in Marie-Antoinette, Empress Maria Theresa sends over to France her confidant, Count of Mercy-Argenteau, on the mission to tutor Marie-Antoinette to grow up to be a beloved queen of the French people.
Marie-Antoinette fascinates the French court with her beauty and loveliness in only a short time. However, just as Empress Maria Theresa feared, she is too tender and indiscreet to perceive the shrewdness of the courtiers trying to gain her favor for their own interest. In addition, as she has a weakness for merriment and luxury, her free spending further helps to empty the kingdom's coffers already almost exhausted during the late king's days. The ever-rising taxes bear harder upon the people, who attribute the cause of their hardship to Marie-Antoinette and start vehemently hating her.
Marie-Antoinette is feeling lonely and suffocated within the sumptuous but very formal court in Versailles. Her husband, Louis XVI, prefers hunting and devising locks to spending time with her. She finds consolation in Hans Axel von Fersen, a young Swedish Count studying in Paris. He is handsome, intelligent and gallant. They naturally fall in love with each other and begin to secretly meet. It is a matter of course that their relationship will eventually result in finding the queen in a difficult situation. The rumor about the queen's adultery with Fersen increases the people's hatred for her and goes far toward instigating the people to start riots in various parts of France.