Title: Sunrider: Mask of Arcadius Genre: Turn based tactics game, Visual novel Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours) Year: 2014-10-02 Developer: Love in Space Publishers: Love in Space & Sekai Project Language: English Voice: English, Partially voiced
Description: As Captain Kayto Shields, embark on a galactic voyage of heroism and survival. With his home world destroyed and his nation conquered, the inexperienced Captain Shields, and his newly minted vessel, the Sunrider, are left as the only hope against a galactic evil intent on subjugating all sentient life. Together with his loyal First Officer, he undertakes to find allies across the stars to retake his home planet and restore peace to the galaxy.
Important: 1. No need to install version.
System Requirements: Minimum: OS: Win XP+ Processor: i3+ Memory: 3 GB RAM DirectX: Version 10