Title: 最高のオヤコ Title (romaji): Saikou no Oyako Format: Tanpatsu Genre: Drama Viewership ratings: 7.8% Broadcast network: MBS / TBS Broadcast date: 2016-Jan-10 Air time: Sunday 21:00 Theme song: Negai by lecca
Synopsis Onodera Midori (Fujiyama Naomi) runs a small bar in a corner of a shopping street and is a cheerful hard worker. She has a daughter Sayumi (Naka Riisa) whom she raised by herself. Sayumi attends a university’s architecture course and is Midori’s pride. But she is glum about not being able to find a job before graduating. Midori’s easygoing attitude and encouragement makes her speak defiantly and the two strong-minded females also have huge quarrels frequently. However, Sayumi loves and respects Midori even though she cannot tolerate her mother’s excessive meddling and pushy kind of love. Meanwhile, TV news coverage on the popularity of the onigiri menu that Midori started this year at lunchtime leads Kidani Shuichi (Enoki Takaaki), a hospital director, to show up at the bar with his wife Risa (Kaku Chikako). Shuichi is Midori’s ex-boyfriend and 22 years ago, she disappeared while pregnant with Sayumi after giving careful consideration to Shuichi’s position as the heir of a large hospital that has been in his family for generations. Midori is shocked to see him again all of a sudden and tries to distance him from an oblivious Sayumi who does not know the truth. She had told her daughter that her father died before she was born. Risa is ignorant of the fact that her husband has a child. Encouraged by her boyfriend Nagashima Junpei (Ichikawa Tomohiro), Sayumi’s talk of studying abroad becomes more likely along with hefty school fees. Midori consults a regular customer Wada Seinoshin (Musaka Naomasa) who is close like a relative to herself and her daughter. Relying on Kaneko Hiroshi (Ogura Hisahiro) who proposed franchising her onigiri business, she takes a huge gamble in order to fulfil her daughter’s dream. ~JDrama Weblog~