Title: スミカスミレ Title (romaji): Sumika Sumire Tagline: 45歳若返った女 / 45-sai Wakagaetta Onna Format: Renzoku Genre: Romance Episodes: 8 Broadcast network: TV Asahi Broadcast period: 2016-Feb-05 to 2016-Mar-25 Air time: Friday 23:15 Theme song: Sumire by Hata Motohiro
Synopsis Kisaragi Sumi is a 20-year-old university student. But do not be surprised that she is a 65-year-old inside. Under pressure to help out with the family business from a young age, she could not have a youth. Even afterwards, she devoted her entire life to taking care of first her grandmother and then her father and mother. Sumi finds herself turning 65 without ever having had a boyfriend. She takes a little pride in having lived with integrity. But after her mother passes away, she has the sudden thought of regaining her youth once more and making a fresh start in life... A miracle happens to her. One day when Sumi wakes up, she has the appearance of a 20-year-old! Despite being bewildered by this unbelievable reality, she introduces herself as Sumire and gets another try at youth. -- Jdrama Weblog
Cast Kiritani Mirei as Kisaragi Sumire Matsuzaka Keiko as Kisaragi Sumi Oikawa Mitsuhiro as Rei Machida Keita as Mashiro Yusei Mizusawa Erena as Kosaka Arisa Takeuchi Ryoma as Tsujii Kento Akimoto Sayaka as Yoshinogo Chiaki Koike Rina as Kato Nanami Tanigawa Risako as Oura Rena Komaki Mako as Nishihara Mio Kajitani Momoko as Kano Ryo Kosuda Yasuto as Kurosaki Akio Takasugi Mahiro as Amano Keiwa Takahashi Hitomi as Ogura Tomiko Kohinata Fumiyo as Amano Souun