In this drama Special, Kasahara Sachiko, unemployed, lives with her older sister Nobuko. They are very close to one another and Sachiko feels she knows everything there is to know about her older sister. But that belief is shaken one day when Nobuko sets out on a trip alone while Sachiko goes out for a job interview. Before the day is out, Nobuko has been killed in a tragic bus accident... far away from where she was supposed to be. Shocked, Sachiko tries to find out why her sister was even on that bus, but isn't able to get far. Offered her sister's old job at a newspaper representing celebrity cultural artists who write articles for it, Sachiko soon receives information that leads her to believe that one of those celebrities may have somehow been involved with her sister's death. A suspicion that only grows deeper when other people around her start dying as well...
We here at Heiwa Fansubs hope you will enjoy this Winter 2016 Drama Special Kuroi Jukai in SD along with us!