Title: ヒガンバナ Title (romaji): Higanbana Also known as: Whispers from a Crime Scene Genre: Crime, detective, mystery Broadcast network: NTV Tagline: 警視庁捜査七課 / Keishichou Sousa Nanaka Format: Renzoku Broadcast period: 2016-Jan-13 start Air time: Wednesday 22:00 Theme song: Saigo no Sayonara by JY Opening theme: RADIO by JY
Synopsis Nagisa, the heroine, has the ability to “synch” with all the powerful emotions that linger in crime scenes.
When this happens though, she blacks out. Even in her day-to-day life, she can hear people's evil intentions and true colors and senses their lies and deception. That is why she always wears headphones in order to shut out people's emotions. She works well with her colleagues at the "Red Spider Lily" (Higanbana) unit, who are all brutally honest acid-tongued women with no qualms about speaking their minds. "Red Spider Lily" is an eclectic unit that includes a science geek, a single mom, and a woman who grew up abroad. Seen by many as a department that's been taken off the main career track, "Red Spider Lily" turns out to be full of fabulous detectives! -- NTV
Cast Horikita Maki as Kinomiya Nagisa Dan Rei as Minegishi Yukino Jiyoung as Nagami Kaoruko Takanashi Rin as Ito Rin YOU as Yanagi Sachiko DAIGO as Kikuchi Kento Takahashi Keiko as Kawai Yuriko Ichikawa Tomohiro as Higashino Kazuya Kimoto Takehiro (木本武宏) as Kuroda Goro Hirayama Hiroyuki as Hojo Kosuke Sano Shiro as Shindo Yuzo Daichi Mao as Segawa Sumire