Title: 怪盗 山猫 Title (romaji): Kaito Yamaneko Title (English): Yamaneko the Phantom Thief Format: Renzoku Genre: Mystery, crime Episodes: TBD Broadcast network: NTV Broadcast period: 2016-Jan-16 start Air time: Saturday 21:00 Theme song: UNLOCK by KAT-TUN
Synopsis What is justice? Is it about being kind? Or is it about winning? A certain man claims that "Justice is about robbing." Yamaneko is notoriously elusive, but wherever he shows up, enormous amounts of money gets stolen. Evidence of the audacious crime is left scattered all over the place. In every episode, Yamaneko the hero thiefthrows a splash of “rotten justice” in your face. Pretentiously calling himself a “genius thief,” Yamaneko is arrogant and acts like he's the king of the world. Everything he does is bold and daring, but he remains elusive. There is indeed no match for Yamaneko. He goes by one creed alone—“I will steal but I won’t deprive.” Why does he steal? Just what is he all about? -- NTV
Cast Kamenashi Kazuya as Yamaneko Narimiya Hiroki as Katsumura Hideo Hirose Suzu as Takasugi Mao Nanao as Kirishima Sakura Kitamura Yukiya as Toudo Kenichirou Otsuka Nene as Housho Rikako Sasaki Kuranosuke as Sekimoto Shuugo Guests Katsumura Masanobu (ep1) Ito Yuko (ep1) Itoh Sairi (ep2)