Drama: Nobunaga Moyu Romaji: Nobunaga Moyu Japanese: 信長燃ゆ Director: Akihiko Shigemitsu Writer: Ryutaro Abe (novel), Chigusa Shioda Network: TV Tokyo Episodes: 1 Release Date: January 2, 2016 Runtime: Saturday 21:00-23:58 Language: Japanese Country: Japan
Plot Nobunaga Oda (Noriyuki Higashiyama) has ambitions to build the most powerful country in the world and tries to become the King of Japan. Sakihisa Konoe (Akira Terao) senses a crisis due to Nobunaga Oda and becomes in conflict with him.
Prince Masahito’s wife Haruko Kajuji (Chiaki Kuriyama) approaches Nobunaga Oda to protect the Imperial court, but she becomes attracted to Nobunaga Oda and falls in love with him.
Notes Based on the novel "Nobunaga Moyu" by Ryutaro Abe (first published June, 2001 by Nikkei Inc.).