Title: 金曜日の恋人たちヘ Title (romaji): Kinyoubi no Koibitotachi e Also known as: To Friday's Lovers Format: Renzoku Genre: Romance drama Episodes: 10 Viewership ratings: Broadcast network: TBS Broadcast period: 2000-Jan-14 to 2000-Mar-17
Synopsis: Madoka is transferred to the secretarial pool when the company goes through restructuring. It's a letdown after being in the busy Sales Department, but Madoka tries to find her place there. She meets and falls in love with Haruki, a security guard, but trouble rears its head in the form of Kaori, Haruki's ex-girlfriend.
VHSRip Big thanks to original uploader anohianotoki.
English hardsubbed TV-rip exists for this dorama. If someone wants to make softsubs, conact with me on D-Addicts and I'll provide them for you.