In "Hikikomori: Tokyo Plastic," Naomi, a young Japanese hacker born in Tokyo, but living in New York travels back to Japan for an experimental eye operation. Befriended by Izumi, an attractive, but seemingly harmless Tokyo Office Lady, Naomi and her new best friend take Tokyo by storm. Carefree, Naomi soon falls back into her illegal hacking ways honed back in New York. But once she tries her hacking hand in Tokyo, she is quickly swept up into a web of fear and crime as one determined hikikomori targets her and forces her into a dangerous course of action that could ultimately destroy her, her family, and the life of her new best friend.
Hikikomori: Tokyo Plastic
Year:2004 Genre:Thriller Runtime:63 min Country:Japan Language:Japanese Directed:Adario Strange Cast:Rex Hayashi, Ishizuka Tsutomu, Kawahara Kayoko, Yoshida Kayo Subtitles:English hardcoded IMDB:
Synopsis: A young female Japanese hacker returns to Tokyo for a short visit and is quickly caught up in a web of crime and violence by the city's most notorious hikikomori psychopath.
Warning: This movie has a very low production value. Probably one of the lowest you've seen...