Movie: Samurai Cat Romaji: Neko Zamurai Japanese: 猫侍 Director: Yoshitaka Yamaguchi Writer: Yuji Nagamori, Yoshitaka Yamaguchi Producer: Yuji Nagamori Cinematographer: Shigeru Komatsubara Release Date: March 1, 2014 Runtime: 100 min. Genre: Drama / Comedy / Samurai / Cat Distributor: AMG Entertainment Language: Japanese Country: Japan
Plot Kyutaro (Kazuki Kitamura) is a swordsman who was feared by people at one time. Now, he is poor and lives alone quietly. Kyutaro doesn't know how to earn money without using his sword.
By chance, Sakichi (Shingo Mizusawa) happens to see Kyutaro's swordsmanship and offers to hire him for a job. Sakichi wants Kyutaro to kill a white cat named "Tamanojoh" which his boss Yozaemon (Yozaburo Ito) is fascinated by.
According to Sakichi, after Yozaemon began to raise the cat, he changed to a childlike person. Kyutaro initially turns him down thinking its an absurd request, but decides to take the job for the money. When Kyutaro opens the door to where the cat is, he sees the lovely white cat.
Notes Related titles: Neko Zamurai (tvk / 2013) Samurai Cat | Neko Zamurai (2014) Neko Samurai 2: A Tropical Adventure | Neko Zamurai Minami no Shima e iku (2015)
Cast Kazuki Kitamura as Kyutaro Madarame Misako Renbutsu as Ome Yasufumi Terawaki as Shinuemon Shimazaki Yosuke Asari as Shinsuke Zenba Shigeyuki Totsugi as Saburota Yonezawa Yoriko Douguchi as Shirataki Yoichi Nukumizu as JintaGenshichiro Kanji Tsuda as Yamada Megumi Yokoyama as Oshizu Ryusuke Komakine as Tetsugoro Motoki Fukami as Suematsu Yosuke Saito as Heihachi Aikawa Akira Onodera as Seibee Yonezawa Runaka Iwata as Oharu [[]] as Tamanojo