Title: 富士ファミリー Title (romaji): Fuji Family Format: Tanpatsu Genre: Home drama Broadcast network: NHK Viewership ratings: 6.8% Broadcast date: 2016-Jan-02 Air time: Saturday 21:00
Synopsis At the foot of Mt Fuji, there is a small old-fashioned shop ‘Fuji Family’ that is a convenience store in name only. It is run by three sisters who are known in the neighbourhood as beauties. Oguni Takako (Yakushimaru Hiroko) is the dependable eldest sister. She supported the family in place of their parents when they died young and is the breadwinner who works at a department store. Uninhibited second sister Nasumi (Koizumi Kyoko) is the complete opposite of Takako in personality and lifestyle. She left home in her 20s and lived in Tokyo, but brought her husband Kinoshita Hideo (Yoshioka Hidetaka) back suddenly after she got married. However, she died of illness all too soon. Tsukimi (Mimura) is the tactful youngest sister. Because she is much younger than her two sisters, she keeps behaving like a little girl around them. Tsukimi quickly got married to Kurihashi Kazuki (Fukami Motoki), her boyfriend since high school, in an attempt to get away from running the troublesome family shop. Then one day at the end of the year, Nasumi who should have died seven years ago, appears in front of their grandaunt Shoko (Katagiri Hairi) asking her to find a certain note. ‘Cake, flashlight, four-leaf clover, Kotaro’. The words noted down in Nasumi’s writing have no connection to each other. Turmoil erupts due to this note and the family is faced with breakup and closure of the shop … … ~JDrama Weblog~
Cast Yakushimaru Hiroko as Takako Koizumi Kyoko as Nasumi Mimura as Tsukimi Katagiri Hairi as Emiko Yoshioka Hidetaka as Hideo Nakamura Yurika as Kasumi Takahashi Katsumi as Masao Naka Riisa as Aiko Ogura Ichiro (小倉一郎) Makita Sports Fukami Motoki Tokita Sotaro (鴇田蒼太郎) Hosoda Yoshihiko Matsuko-roid (マツコロイド)