Title: Hanahira! Original title: はなひらっ! Year: Japan 2010-09-25, English Patch 2015-04-17 Length: Short (2 - 10 hours) Developer: Fuguriya & Yurin Yurin Languages: English Voice: Japanese Translation: George Henry Shaft & Yuri Project
Description: The story revolves around four girls who attend Saint Michael Girls’ School and highlights all their cute dokidoki yuriyuri love for one another during and after school. The story is quite lighthearted and follows the four girls at school, shopping, hanging around and coming together for a pajama party.
Important: 1. No need to install.
2. You need to change locale to Japanese. http://erogedownload.com/faq/changing-to-japanese-locale-on-windows-7/
3. Hanahira Side Story! Rowdy Girls at the Seashore(はなひらSSっ!渚のかしまし娘たち) light novel in English is included.
Publishing: Luminocity & Fuguriya Publishing date: 2010-10-08 Illustrations: Peko Translation: George Henry Shaft, 2015