Taku Inoue and PAGE weren't streamed at all, so I've ignored them in the set list. So here we are, another countdown which marks my third year of doing these. Slightly delayed because the UStream API was very slow in updating so that I couldn't download the last part before family stuff happened, but it's done now. It was a good one I guess, quite a bit more anison than I initially expected and some great sets with good quality overall. Friendly reminder that this isn't Anison Matrix and as such isn't solely anime related, but what wasn't related was still pretty good in my humble opinion. I might do a video remux tomorrow when I wake up as some people wanted it, so maybe look forward to that and I've done some of the work for uploading DJ WILDPARTY's 8 hour Christmas event, but haven't finished that yet. After those potential uploads there's the next Anison Matrix on the ninth, so see you then I guess?