Title: アンダーウェア Title (romaji): Underwear Format: Renzoku Scriptwriter : Adachi Naoko (She, Shitsuren Chocolatier, Rich Man Poor Woman) Episodes: 13 Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: November 13, 2015 start Air time: Friday 21:00
Synopsis Tokita Mayuko had researched fibres in university and hoped to get employment with a textile manufacturer. However, she unexpectedly finds a job with ‘Emotion’, an order-made luxury lingerie brand in Ginza, despite a complete disinterest in fashion. The company president, Nanjo Mayumi, is an icon who has led the Japanese lingerie industry since the brand was established 25 years ago and her staff work with pride. Mayuko experiences confusion in a world with a new set of values different from any she has ever known in the countryside where she comes from. But she gradually falls under the spell of her job and grows with the help of the people around her ~JDrama Weblog~
Cast Kiritani Mirei as Tokita Mayuko Daichi Mao as Nanjo Manami Sakai Wakana as Nishizawa Mizuki Maiko as Iida Fumika Chiba Masako as Tanaka Reiko Kaito Ken as Saruhashi Hitoshi Sakurada Dori as Himeji Sousuke Ishida Nicole as Machida Sari Kawakita Mayuko as Kohno Yuri