Title: サムライせんせい Title (romaji): Samurai Sensei Format: Renzoku Genre: Sci-fi, comedy Episodes: TBD Broadcast network: TV Asahi Broadcast period: 2015-Oct-23 start Air time: Friday 23:15
Synopsis Takechi Hanpeita, a samurai of Tosa domain who campaigned for the expulsion of foreigners, unwittingly travels 150 years in time from the last days of the Tokugawa shogunate to present day Japan. Becoming a teacher at a private school run by Saeki Makoto in a village in the remote countryside through an unexpected turn of events, he solves all kinds of problems with methods unique to a samurai. Hanpeita is reunited with his good friend Sakamoto Ryoma, who quickly adjusted to modern times after travelling in time to the present slightly before him, and lives in Tokyo as a journalist called Narasaki. -- Jdrama Weblog
Cast Nishikido Ryo as Takechi Hanpeita Kamiki Ryunosuke as Sakamoto Ryoma Higa Manami as Saeki Haruka Fujii Ryusei as Saeki Toranosuke Kuroshima Yuina as Akagi Sachiko Ishida Nicole as Shinohara Rio Kajihara Zen as Komiyama Kiichi Morimoto Leo as Saeki Makoto