Title: ザ・ドライバー Title (English): The Driver Format: Tanpatsu Genre: Human drama Viewership ratings: 8.1% Broadcast network: TV Asahi Broadcast date: 2015-Oct-11 Air time: Sunday 21:00
Synopsis Konoe Joichiro used to be an elite banker, but he hated a salaryman's life that was capricious and full of twists and turns. Having decided that he had had enough, he became a truck driver instead. His new buddy driver is Tabata Kohei, and together, they drive around the streets of Kyoto, delivering fresh produce to the restaurants. Even though he may have discarded his salaryman life, he still keeps the salaryman image... he wears a shirt and tie while driving the truck and making the rounds. His stubbornness and his sense of fair play leaves Kohei shaking his head sometimes, but through it all they are a pair of stoic partners who will go through thick and thin with each other. --by TV Asahi
Cast Uchino Seiyo as Konoe Joichiro Tsukamoto Takashi as Tabata Kohei Wakamura Mayumi as Tabata Namiko Minamisawa Nao as Murase Rena Watanabe Konomi as Mamiya Yui Nakagoshi Noriko as Aoyama Ryoko Kitamura Yukiya as Mamiya Keiichi Nakamura Shunsuke as Saigo Toshiaki Hira Mikijiro as Saigo Shigeru