Title: 下町ロケット Title (romaji): Shitamachi Rocket Also known as: Downtown Rocket Format: Renzoku Genre: Corporate, drama Episodes: 10 Broadcast network: TBS Broadcast period: 2015-Oct-18 to 2015-Dec-20 Air time: Sunday 21:00
Synopsis Tsukuda Kohei, a man who gives up his career as a researcher to succeed his father's manufacturing factory strives with his workers to overcome the troubles and pursue their passion in manufacturing.
Though Kohei quits research at the Space Science Development Agency to succeed Tsukuda Manufacturing, he cannot leave behind his passion for developing rocket. The cost for developing rocket engine has put Kohei's company in serious financial trouble. While he scrambles for funds, their rival company - Nakashima Industrial - sues Tsukuda Manufacturing for patent infringement. The company's reputation soon goes down and banks refuse to finance them, but then one of the leading companies in Japan, Teikoku Heavy Industries, offers to buy a Tsukuda's patent for 2 billion yen. Although the company is heavily in debt and desperately needs the cash, the patent is what the engineers put their dreams. Kohei - a president who is responsible for the living of his workers - faces a difficult judgement to make. -- TBS
Cast Abe Hiroshi as Tsukuda Kohei Tsuchiya Tao as Tsukuda Rina, Kohei's daughter Tatekawa Danshun (立川談春) as Tonomura Naohiro Yasuda Ken as Yamazaki Mitsuhiko Wada Soko as Ehara Haruki Konno Hiroki as Sakota Shigeru Yamazaki Ikusaburo (山崎育三郎) as Mano Kensuke Nakamoto Ken (中本賢) as Tsuno Kaoru Tanida Ayumi (谷田歩) as Karakida Atsushi Nakamura Tomoya as Asagi Shohei Abe Shinnosuke as Nomura Kosuke Takeuchi Ryoma (竹内涼真) as Tachibana Yosuke Sano Gaku as Kawamoto Koji Ato Kai as Tanabe, lawyer Maya Miki as Izumi Saya, Kohei's ex wife Arai Hirofumi as Tomiyama Takaharu Kinoshita Hoka as Mizuhara Shigeharu Hashimoto Satoshi as Mita Kimiyasu Shunputei Shota as Yanai Tetsuji Higashikokubaru Hideo (東国原英夫) as Negi Setsuo Ikehata Shinnosuke (池畑慎之介) as Nakagawa Kyoichi Megumi Toshiaki as Kamiya Shuichi Baisho Mitsuko as Tsukuda Kazue, Kohei's mother Kikkawa Koji as Zaizen Michio Sugi Ryotaro (杉良太郎) as Toma Hideki Imada Koji