This is not the drama Koukou Kyoushi (1993), it's a movie with the same title. Different cast and story, same screenwriter, Nojima Shinji, and music by Morita Douji.
Subtitles English
Editor/transcriber/timer: keiko1981 Translator and QC: danburi-san
Title: 高校教師 Title (romaji): Koukou Kyoushi English title: A High School Teacher Movie released: November 6th, 1993 Genre: Human drama Theme song: Tatoeba Boku ga Shindara (たとえばぼくが死んだら) by Morita Douji (森田童子) Related dramas: Koukou Kyoushi 1974 (TV Tokyo), Koukou Kyoushi (1993), Koukou Kyoushi 2003
Summary In a rugby match, disaster strikes as player Kazuki causes serious injury to his friend Takeshi, and as a result he is left as a vegetable. Guilt-ridden he quits the team and settles in a remote Kamakura Girl’s High School as a sport teacher. During a hot summer holiday, Kazuki has fallen into a love relationship, albeit unacceptable to the outsiders, with one of his student Mayu. Later, he realizes that his attraction to her comes from nothing other than her loneliness and a crime labelled as grossly unforgivable.
Cast Karasawa Toshiaki as Hano Kazuki Toyama Kyoko as Kashiwagi Mayu Suzuki Anju as Makino Ryoko Kikuchi Takanori as Makino Takeshi Kaneda Akio as Yosuke Maeda Oginome Keiko as Sakaki Miwa Tayama Ryosei Osugi Ren
Director: Yoshida Ken Producer: Furuya Akitsuna Executive Producer: Tazawa Masatoshi, Masuda Hisao Coordinating Producers: Ito Kazuhiro Producer: Hamana Kazuya, Sakura Kenjiro Screenwriter: Nojima Shinji Music: Senju Akira Film Director: Takama Kenji Assistant Director: Sakita Kenichi
Awards 1994 Japan Academy Prize (日本アカデミー賞) Best Newcomer: Toyama Kyoko 1994 Yokohama Film Festival (ヨコハマ映画祭) Best New Actress: Toyama Kyoko