Title: なるようになるさ。 Title (romaji): Naruyouni Narusa Genre: Family Broadcast network: TBS Format: Renzoku Episodes: 11 Viewership rating: 12.7% Broadcast period: 2013-Jul-12 to 2013-Sep-20 Air time: Friday 22:00 Theme song: Ballad by Sashida Fumiya
Synopsis Nagashima Daigo and his wife, Aya, have three grown-up sons. When his youngest son, Takeru, got married, Daigo is unhappy that his sons all chose to move out with their wives. Worrying that his wife will feel lonely, going through the empty-nest syndrome, he decides to retire from his job and take his wife around the world. When he tells her his plans, he is surprised to find out that Aya has plans of her own. To her, she is finally her own woman and can now do the things that she wants. Aya, who comes from a restaurant-running family, soon tells Daigo that she intends to convert their home into a little cafe-cum-restaurant. Although he was initially unhappy with her decision, after realising that it is Aya's dream, he gives in to her wish. As they start preparing for their cafe's opening, through unusual circumstances, they come to employ their three new staff. Uchida Yoko is a runaway that Daigo saved from the streets. Otake Sho is Aya's family friend's grandchild who wants to rejoin society after one year of self-imposed home imprisonment. Nakatsu Eri is running away from an abusive husband.
Having left the bringing up of his own three sons entirely up to Aya, Daigo slowly learns the meaning of "Family" with his three new staff.
Cast Tachi Hiroshi as Nagashima Daigo Asano Atsuko as Nagashima Aya Shida Mirai as Uchida Yoko Yasuda Shota as Otake Sho Konno Mahiru as Nakatsu Eri Onishi Riku (大西利空) as Nakatsu Makoto Ikeda Tsutomu as Nagashima Satoru Oota Ari (太田在) as Nagashima Michi Mikami Kensei as Nagashima Itaru Ishihara Atsumi as Nagashima Mari Ozawa Ryota (小澤亮太) as Nagashima Takeru Saori as Nagashima Yuri Izumi Pinko as Nishiki Kuni Iinuma Chieko as Natsuko Soga Natsumi (曽我夏美) as Nagashima Sachi Shoji Ryusei (庄司龍成) as Nagashima Sora