Title: マークスの山 Title (romaji): Marks no Yama Format: Renzoku Genre: Crime, mystery Episodes: 5 Viewership ratings: Broadcast network: WOWOW Broadcast period: 2010-Oct-17 to 2010-Nov-14 Air time: Sunday 22:00
Title: マークスの山 Title (romaji): Marks no Yama Format: Renzoku Genre: Crime, mystery Episodes: 5 Viewership ratings: Broadcast network: WOWOW Broadcast period: 2010-Oct-17 to 2010-Nov-14 Air time: Sunday 22:00
Synopsis 20 years ago a half-frozen boy was rescuded in the mountains after his parents apparent sucide. He gets released from a mental institution and his girlfriend notices him talking about a dark mountain shadow. Meanwhile a murder happens in a residential area in Tokyo. Assistant Inspector Goda Yuichiro takes on the investigation. Soon an official of the Ministery of Justice gets murdered in a similar fashion pointing towards a serial killer. Yet, Goda receives a strange order from above: he's not to further investigate in this direction. He senses a huge mystery behind the case and starts chasing after the psychopath killer called Marks. Somehow a journalist's research about a corrupt construction magnate and another unsolved murder that happend in the mountains 13 years ago are also linked to the case.
Cast Kamikawa Takaya as Goda Yuichiro Kora Kengo as Marks Ishiguro Ken Konishi Manami Kohinata Fumiyo Toda Naho Osugi Ren Suzuki Anju Sano Shiro Ishibashi Renji Komoto Masahiro Hakamada Yoshihiko Katsurayama Shingo Hotaru Yukijiro Shimada Kyusaku Ikeda Narushi Ito Yuko Ogi Shigemitsu Aijima Kazuyuki Kokubu Sachiko Yamazaki Hajime Yajima Kenichi Masu Takeshi