Title: 恋仲 Title (romaji): Koinaka Also known as: Best Friends in Love Format: Renzoku Genre: Romance Episodes: 9 Viewership ratings: 10.74% Broadcast network: Fuji TV Broadcast period: 2015-Jul-20 to 2015-Sep-14 Air time: Monday 21:00 Theme song: Kimi ga Kureta Natsu by Ieiri Leo
Miura Aoi is an indecisive guy with a timid personality who dislikes summer. He once aspired to become an architect, but his dream has faded as he lets the days go by working as an assistant in a small architectural firm in Tokyo. Then one day, Aoi has a fateful reunion with Serizawa Akari, his first love and a childhood friend. Back in their school days, the two were always together. However, Akari suddenly disappeared in the summer of their third year in high school. Aoi forced himself to bury his feelings for her deep within him, but it could never truly be forgotten. Aoi's heart is once again moved by their unexpected reunion. However, there is another guy who is also named Aoi standing next to her... -- Fuji TV
Fukushi Sota as Miura Aoi Honda Tsubasa as Serizawa Akari Nomura Shuhei as Aoi Shota Taiga as Kanazawa Kohei Ohara Sakurako as Miura Nanami Otomo Karen as Yamashiro Kokone Ichikawa Yui as Saeki Ruiko Yamamoto Mizuki as Tominaga Mirei Babazono Azusa (馬場園梓) as Takanashi Erika Shinkawa Yua as Sawada Kazuha Maeno Tomoya (前野朋哉) as Kotani Teruyoshi Nagai Masaru as Isohara Shinichi Yoshida Yo as Niwa Mariko Kobayashi Kaoru as Serizawa Hirotoshi
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