Dokonjo Gaeru - Episode 8 (Raw) Japanese Title: ど根性ガエル
Japanese live action drama series based on the manga series "Dokonjo Gaeru" by Yasumi Yoshizawa. Drama series contains an original story that is set 16 years after the manga series.
Plot of the series: Hiroshi (Kenichi Matsuyama) is now 30-years-old and lethargic, but Pyonkichi, the frog imprinted on his shirt, is always energetic. Sometimes Hiroshi does not wear t-shirts with Pyonkichi, but Pyonkichi always encourages Hiroshi.
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Note: This is a Clean Screen episode for Dokonjo Gaeru episode 8 (an ongoing series - still airing). This episode has no TV station logo watermarks (in the top right corner, etc) or news updates. There will be a complete batch torrent after the series has ended.