Japanese live action drama series based on the novel by Yasumichi Ando. Starring Ayumi Ito, Teppei Koike, Takeshi Masu, Kanna Mori.
Plot of the series: 35-year-old Hanada Yoneko is a detective of Ryogoku Police Precinct who is looking for a marriage partner. She swings between love and justice as she pursues cases with her partner, Fujioka Tsutsuji. Yoneko will not turn a blind eye to crime. In addition, she wants to be happy. But for some reason, all the handsome men she likes turn out to be criminals.
More information: http://mydramalist.com/14745-konkatsu-deka
Note: This is a Clean Screen episode for Konkatsu Deka episode 9 - an ongoing series (still airing). This episode has no TV station logo watermarks (in the top right corner, etc) or news updates. There will be a complete batch torrent after the series has ended.