Title: Nanashi no Game, The Nameless Game Original Title: ナナシ ノ ゲエム Genre: Survival horror Year: Japan 03 July 2008 ; English Patch v1.2 07 Nov 2011 Developer: Epics Publishers: Square Enix Language: English Translation team: Nagato: Project leader, hacker, programmer. summvs: Translator. Ryusui: Proofreader, graphic designer. G-Han: Additional translation work. Sora de Eclaune, GhostCar: Playtesting
Description: Nanashi no Game involves two separate modes of play. Most of the game takes place in the real world, where the player navigates real-time 3D environments using the DS's D-Pad and Touch Screen. While exploring, the player must solve puzzles and reach locations. The player can switch to the TS Menu at any time, where they can play the cursed game, read e-mail messages, and load a previous save file. In many cases, an e-mail message or update to the cursed game will interrupt the player's exploration. In the cursed game, which only uses the top DS screen, the player controls a 2D 8-bit RPG that provides clues to the current situations and can, in some cases, advance the story.
An urban legend has been circulating about a nameless, cursed role-playing video game for the fictional Twin Screen (TS) handheld game system. According to the rumor, anyone who plays this "Cursed Game" and does not complete it within seven days will die. The player assumes the role of a college student at Nanto University, Tokyo. The player has started playing the cursed game, sent to them by classmate Fumihito Odaka, who has been absent recently. Riko Nagasawa, Odaka's girlfriend, interrupts, and requests that the player go to Odaka's apartment. The player obliges, but makes a horrific discovery: Odaka has mysteriously died of drowning, with his TS system in his hands. The player also discovers that Odaka hadn't sent the game to the player, as he was trying to stop it from "spreading and killing others". The next day, a distressed Riko dies on the Nanto Express subway, having received the cursed game six days before the protagonist.
Important: 1.This is a complete translation for The Nameless Game aka Nanashi no Game for the NDS.