Title: Neko Para Vol.0 Minazuki Nekotachi no Nichijou! Original title:ネコぱら Vol.0 水無月ネコたちの日常! Year: 2015-08-14 Length: Very short (< 2 hours) Developer: Neko Works Publishers: Neko Works & Sekai Project Language: English, Japanese, Chinese Voice: Japanese
Description: What's NEKOPARA? Why, it's a cat paradise!
This is a story just before Kashou opened "La Soleil".
The eldest daughter of the Minaduki household and their 6 catgirls go to wake up their master; prepare breakfast; clean up the house; go out on a walk; make dinner; take a bath; sleep together; et cetera, et cetera.
Enjoy a page from the leisurely, daily lives of Shigure and the Minaduki household's catgirls!
Important: 1. Run setup.exe or startup.exe and install. 2. You can also play the game without installing. Just start nekopara_vol0.exe in folder Nekopara vol0\nekopara_vol0. 3. The game itself is non 18+. It's ecchi with no porn. The 18+ is just the bundled Art book that comes with the Package Edition.
System Requirements: Minimum: OS: Vista Processor: 1.8 GHz Pentium 4 Memory: 1 GB RAM Graphics: 1280x720 DirectX: Version 9.0c Hard Drive: 3 GB available space